Uniform Information
School Uniform
Uniform is available from Uniform Direct, Babington Lane, Derby, Uniformality in Borrowash and our own preloved uniform shop (see below)
Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
White or pale blue polo shirt
Blue jumper or cardigan
Blue fleece
White, black or grey socks or tights
For PE:
Black shorts or jogging bottoms
White t-shirt
White or black socks
Black PE pumps or trainers
Your child's PE kit should be worn to school on the day they have PE
Available but not essential:
Book bag, PE bag and summer cap
Please provide your child with a school bag and water bottle.
Both will be sent home at the end of each day. Please check the bag for any homework or communication from your class teacher.
Seasonal clothing: A sun hat, a winter hat and gloves, wellington boots and appropriate coat - these may be left on your child's peg and be taken home at the end of each half term.
Preloved Uniform: We have a small selection of preloved uniform with the school logo on, all in immaculate condition. Please WhatsApp our Governor and ASPA member Carolyn Delehanty on 07970 551118 with your requirements and she’ll do her best to help you
Please note:
It is not a requirement that school uniform has the school logo on. Plain uniform is acceptable.
Uniform Suppliers (external links)