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Welcome to

Primary School

Achieving success for all


Curriculum Rationale

At Aston on Trent Primary School, our curriculum intention is to ensure that all children develop a love of learning and are equipped with the necessary tools to make them ready to live a successful and fulfilling life. Our values underpin all that we do. We believe all children should have the opportunity to access a curriculum that respects the uniqueness of themselves, their community and ensures equality for all learners. Through our curriculum, we aim to nurture a sense of inclusivity, respect and resilience in all our children.  


We strive to provide a secure, happy, active and challenging learning environment to enable our children to develop respect for themselves and others, and an appreciation of the wonder in the world around them.  We believe that through encouragement and support, children will become confident and resilient lifelong learners.  


Our carefully crafted curriculum balances the national expectations and an all-encompassing range of enriching experiences allowing our children to continuously build their knowledge and thrive and flourish in their learning. Clear strategic planning and high expectations allows the curriculum to be challenging, dynamic and adaptable to the context of the school and the children’s needs. Subject-specific progression maps set out the sequence of knowledge and skills we want our children to learn at each stage of their education. Teachers set out the vocabulary and 'sticky knowledge' they want their pupils to know through their use of medium-term plans and knowledge organisers. We also make meaningful links, across subjects, to real-life experiences and to our local area.  We offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs for all ages, as well as residential trips for Year 6. 


We value the role of parents/carers and the wider school community in supporting the children’s learning and working in partnership with the school to further enhance learning. Year group long term plans are displayed on the school website alongside subject-specific progression maps, and half termly newsletters are made available to enable children to share their learning with their families, further enhancing our home/school relationships.  


We strategically monitor the success of our curriculum throughout the year to gauge the impact of our curriculum design. We regularly review learning to ensure the highest outcomes possible for all pupils, evaluate pupil voice, provide individual feedback to staff and pupils to move practice forward, celebrate positives and highlight areas of development. Our whole school team strengthen our vision and values as we work together to reflect upon our curriculum and share outcomes, driving school improvement.  


We recognise the wider impact of our curriculum and evaluate its success against high levels of attendance, pupil’s learning behaviours and encouraging healthy and active lifestyles.  


We are committed to increasing disabled pupil's participation in the school curriculum as part of our Accessibility Plan, which can be access here- AOT Accessibility Plan

Knowledge Organisers

National Assessments

The assessments that we set for children are as follows-
Reception - Baseline Assessment
Year 1- Phonics
Year 2 - KS1 SATs
Year 4 - Multiplication Check (MTC)
Year 6 - KS2 SATs