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Welcome to

Primary School

Achieving success for all

Forest Schools

What is it all about?

“Forest School is an inspirational process that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.” (Forest School Association, 2015)

Forest Schools are an idea and way of learning outdoors that have developed over many years and are now becoming very popular in the UK. It offers children a chance to learn about, experience and gain respect for the natural environment, whilst developing a range of skills in all areas of learning, in particular those associated with personal, social and emotional development.


Where can I find out more?

If you would like to learn more about the history of Forest School or how we aim to progress it in the future, or have any other questions about the information here, please speak to Mr Bamford, who is our school’s Forest School leader.

Alternatively, there are some links below to useful websites that give further information about Forest School in the UK.

Forest Schools Association

Greenlight Trust


Forest Schools on Friday

At Forest Schools we learn to appreciate and make use of our natural surroundings. In the autumn, we love to play conkers!

We love to create habitats and homes for our local wildlife. We use knives, the bow saw and billhook safely to create tools (such as mallets) and decorations. We use knives to whittle wood for 'marshmallow sticks'. We love to use the nets to go pond dipping, searching for tadpoles, newts and dragonfly larvae. 


Year 2

Year 2 have enjoyed planting bulbs, bedding flowers and perennials in our raised beds. We look forward to seeing the bulbs blooming in spring!

  • We have learned all about the Forest School elves and about how the naughty dragon destroyed their homes… Don’t worry – we’ve made some new, even better, homes for them!
  • We’ve had fun making and playing on the rope swings.
  • We have learned about fire safety, how to prepare and look after a fire, and how to cook marshmallows!


Year 3

Year 3 have enjoyed exploring the Forest School area where we have been observing the changing seasons.

  • We have challenged ourselves by climbing trees.
  • We have learned how to use the flint and steel to light a fire.
  • We have learned about fire safety and have enjoyed cooking marshmallows!


Year 4

Year 4 have been busy exploring the Forest School area and finding out what's new! 

  • We have learned how to use knives safely to whittle green wood.
  • We have perfected our skills with the flint and steels to make 'fairy fires'. 
  • We have learned how to prepare and light a fire, and have demonstrated sound knowledge of fire safety. 
  • We loved making, cooking and eating pancakes! 

Aston School Wildlife Camera