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Primary School

Achieving success for all


The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) became law on 25th May 2018
Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) - GDPR for Schools, Derbyshire County Council
email - Phone - 01629 5322888
Room 396, North Block, County Hall, Smedley Street, Matlock DE4 3AG
Our ICO Registration number is Z6313632


Our school data lead is Mr Snow.

Please contact Mr Snow on 01332 799478 for any requests for documentation such as privacy notices.


What information do we collect and why?

We collect emergency information including names, addresses and mobile numbers from you. We communicate school and emergency information via the Parenthub, Medical Tracker, Integris and email. 

We collect ethnicity information, special education needs, meal preferences and travel arrangements for use in the termly school census and local authority data captures.

We collect medical and food allergy information in order to provide appropriate care within school.


How is data collected?

We ask for pupil update forms to be completed annually by a parent.  We can also receive electronic data transfers from previous schools via the DfE’s secure access site. We also collect information via Microsoft forms (for example for school trips and events)


How will we use your information?

Data is only used in conjunction with providing the best possible care and education for your child.  It is used to assess learning, to set up user accounts to assist with personalized learning, to facilitate home-school communication, and emergency information so we can contact parents. We also reserve the right to share information with outside agencies if we deem it appropriate to do so for safeguarding purposes. 


Who will it be shared with?

Any third party that we share your data with has been rigorously checked to ensure they are GDPR compliant.  Any data sharing is for the purposes set out in our Privacy Notice.


Further Information (click on the links)