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Aston upon Trent home page

Welcome to

Primary School

Achieving success for all


We are delighted you are considering our school for your child.

We warmly welcome visits for parents and carers who are thinking about applying.

Please contact Mrs Shacklock in the school office should you wish to arrange a visit.

You can do this by calling us on 01332 799478 or emailing


You can read some of the comments from parents about our school here- Parent Voice


All of our admissions and school places are applied for through Derbyshire County Council. The published admission number (PAN) for our school Reception intake for September 2024 is 30. 

Click here to apply for a place- Apply for a School Place

Please click here for parent/carers guide to primary admissions- Guide to Primary Admissions
Please click here to read the Derbyshire County Council Coordinated Admission Scheme -DCC Coordinated Admissions Scheme


For information for when your child starts school, including uniform and lunch details, please click here- New Starters



Our open day for September 2025 entry is on Tuesday 15th October 2024. There are 2 sessions- either 1.30pm or 4.30pm. Click on this link to book your place-Open Day October 2024


Proud to be Primary Age Education Provider of the Year 2024





GDPR Statement -

The information that you enter on this form is required for the efficient organisation of the school and the children’s educational needs.  It will be stored securely under restricted access and is subject to the provision of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2018, The information will be disclosed only to the Education Authority, the Health and Welfare agencies or where a law or an emergency necessitates a disclosure.  The information held must be kept up to date by law and so if any of the information which you now supply changes in the future, will you please notify the school in writing. By signing this form you consent to your child’s personal information being used for the purpose described above.

For more information on how Aston on Trent Primary School uses the data we hold about you, how long we keep it and your rights relating to it e.g., to have it corrected, erased, restricted, transferred or to see your records, go to our GDPR Page here- GDPR

New Starters Form

Please complete this form prior to your child starting with us.
This is for all new starters, including reception and in-year admissions.
Please ensure you complete all required sections - we will also need you to scan a copy of your child’s birth certificate and send to Mrs Shacklock at


Please click here to access and complete the form - New Starters Form